select * 
  from tab
 where not exists (select * 
                     from tab as tab2 
                    where num1 = t1.num2);

As you see, there are many ways to obtain the result you want ...

This is a direct translation of the English "I want to identify each row where 
num2 does not have a matching num1".

The most efficient way to do this will depend on the characteristics of the 
data.  For big tables

Select *
  From tab
 Where num2 not in (select distinct num1
                      From tab);

Will be the most efficient ...

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of Paul Sanderson
> Sent: Monday, 20 May, 2013 08:00
> To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
> Subject: [sqlite] query help
> I have a table of the form
> create table tab (num int1 unique, num2, int)
> for each row for num2 there is usually a matching num1. But not always.
> I want to identify each row where num2 does not have a matching num1
> example data might be
> num1  num2
> 1          3
> 2          3
> 3          2
> 4          1
> 5          11
> 6          3
> 7          9
> in this example my query would return rows 5 and 7 as there is no match on
> num1 for 11 and 9
> Any ideas, cheers.
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