

Running the following SQL does not seem to give consistent results.


If I concatenate a literal with a column containing a numeric value then I
get expected results. (answers B and E below)


If however I concatenate the literal with a numeric literal added to the
column, I just get the numeric literal as my result.  (answer D below)


These two do not seem consistent with each other.


(A)             (B)                             (C)                      (D)

select stepid  ,'STEPID'||stepid  ,stepid+5  ,'STEPID'||stepid+5

from seqnumber;


A   B               C    D     E




It is the result D that is not what I'm expecting and does not seem
consistent with the other results. I'm expecting a result of STEPID10.


The StepID column is defined as INTEGER and contains the value 5.


I am using






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