Op 9 jun 2013, om 16:35 heeft Igor Tandetnik het volgende geschreven:

On 6/9/2013 4:55 AM, Dave Wellman wrote:
For this example I'm updating a single column (c2). If I needed to update multiple columns in the table would I need to use the SELECT construct for
each column?

Yes, unfortunately. I would love to see some form of UPDATE FROM make it into SQLite, but none such exists at the moment.
Igor Tandetnik

Possibly INSERT OR REPLACE is useful when multiple columns need to be updated. I beiieve the following statement is equivilent to the given update

replace into t1 (c1, c2) select t1.c1, dtl1.c2 from t1 join t1 dtl1 on t1.c1 = dtl1.c1 - 1;

This requires however all columns of the table definition to be included in the column list and also the primary key. I assumed c1 is the primary key. _______________________________________________
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