On 14 Jun 2013, at 11:29pm, DL <jhn...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> UPDATE T set C1 = calculation(C2) where C1 is NULL
> If table is large, this update may take many seconds or even minutes.
> During this time all other queries on this table fail with &quot;database is 
> locked&quot;
> after connection timeout expires (currently my timeout is 5 seconds).

Do you have an index on T(C1) ?  That should dramatically reduce the search 

> I would like to stop this update query after, say, 3 seconds,
> then restart it. Hopefully, after several restarts entire table will be 
> updated.
> Another option is to stop this update query before making any other request
> (this will require inter-process cooperation, but it may be doable).

Well, you could increase your timeout:


which will fix the problem one way.  Another way would be to use the LIMIT 
clause on UPDATE, if it’s available to you:


Do an UPDATE LIMIT 10000, then check the total_changes() function


and if it’s not zero pause a while for your other processes to do their thing, 
then do another UPDATE LIMIT 10000.

If compiling your own SQLite is a problem for you, step through your big table 
a section at a time:

UPDATE T SET C1 = calculation(C2) WHERE C1 IS NULL AND rowid < 10000

then pause for a while, then do it again but this time up to row 20000, etc..


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