> No, in my case user does not touch the DB - he can only add or delete
> items,
> but all DB modifications are done by my app and I have a full control over
> all the values. All I need is to find the most efficient way to do that.
> Therefore, I do not believe that I need any triggers. I guess they will
> simply slow down insertion and update (however I did not measure this
> yet).
> In those rare cases when there is a need to reset attributes on an already
> existing item, I would rather delete the entire row and insert a new one
> and
> treat it as a completely new item.

Perhaps you should reconsider using triggers.  For example, you can create a 
trigger that adds the rowid of rows inserted (ie, that you need to update) into 
another table.  Periodically from your application process the rows indicated 
in this table to do your updates, and delete the rowids for the rows you have 
updated.  This will add almost no discernible overhead to your table updates, 
plus it will give you a table with the rowids of the rows you need to visit and 
update.  If you wish to do them in small batches then you can do so.

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