Hi, ALL,
1. I'm trying to minimize the number of requests I'm doing to the DB. What
I need is a way to count the number of rows that the query return to me
prior to going thru the "sqlite3_step()".
If this number is 0, I want to skip the processing and just return. It's
not an error situation, it just means that there was no new records
inserted with specific constraints.

An example:

if( ( result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( m_handle, "SELECT pplayerid FROM players
WHERE players.isnew=\"1\";", -1, &stmt, 0 ) != SQLITE_OK )
// display error message
//////// check the number of rows returned by the query
if( numRows == 0 )
sqlite3_step( stmt );
sqlite3_finalize( stmt );

Is there such a function? There is a "sqlite3_column_count()", but it will
return number of columns in the result set, which I assume will always be 1
in my case (if there is no errors of course).

2. Considering the same code above, if I want to delete this row, I will
need another statement variable. But will it screw up the original select
statement? Something like this:

int playerid;
if( ( result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( m_handle, "SELECT pplayerid FROM players
WHERE players.isnew=\"1\";", -1, &stmt, 0 ) != SQLITE_OK )
// display error message
//////// check the number of rows returned by the query
if( numRows == 0 )
    while( true )
         sqlite3_step( stmt );
         playerid = sqlite3_column_int( stmt, 0 );
         if( ( result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( m_handle, "DELETE FROM players
WHERE playerid = ?;", -1, &stmt1, 0 ) != SQLITE_OK )
               //error message
              sqlite3_step( stmt1 );     // at this point the outer cursor
will still be good, right?
              sqlite3_finalize( stmt1 );
    sqlite3_finalize( stmt );

Thank you.
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