Please forgive my atrocious typo's - I never use a spellchecker for reasons of personal linguistic pride, which tend to bite me when replying in a hurry.

Also, howcome no matter how much I force plaintext format on all mails, it returns as HTML? Does the mailing list have a format specifier for HTML or is my email client (Moz Thunderbird) up to some skullduggery on the downstream end?

Thank you kindly

On 2013/07/02 15:30, RSmith wrote:
1 - Using SQL there exists an SQLIte function typeof(x) where x can be a column name and it will return the type which is specific to the affinity and not to the original specified type when creating the table. If on the other hand you simply wish to know which type supports which affinity, this is well-documented in the SQLite site.

2 - The affinity does not really control how the data is stored, so it does not matter - it does however control (or shall I use the words "suggests strongly") how the output will be formatted. Numeric types are most notably used with Date/Time values which have proper text representation and formats but gets added to, subtracted from and generally modified in mathematical ways. (That's the short version, there are more to be said about it you can see the online docs).

BLOB values on the other hand has no type, and no affinity - the SQL processor makes no attempt to work with them, modify or format them for any output (unless specifically requested via functions). The bytes get written/read straight into / out of the data files. Quite useful and quite quick - it DOES however require some bit of extra processing from your software, most notably having to Set an initial blob of n length into the db (fo which there are ver nice zeroblob() etc. functions) and then writing to that blob only the exact bytelengths specifed, etc. It's very well documented and very worth the effort.

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