I am still having this problem, and it happens very frequently.

Some more information

Normally have 7 connections on different threads, 2 of these threads are

On 20 Jun 2013 09:20, "Owen Haynes" <mad0ho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am currently having some problems with the unlock notify and getting in
> a state of deadlock.
> I am using code based on http://www.sqlite.org/unlock_notify.html, with
> the latest sqlite.
> The setup is as follows:
>  - WAL is on
>  - Multi Threaded is on
>  - Temp store is memory
>  - Database is stored in /dev/shm
>  - Synchronous is set as normal
>  - Multi-threading is on
>  - connection is set as SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE |
> Unlock notify does work I can see my log messages printed when the
> callback is called but sometimes I can end up in the following dead lock
> situation.
> Each connection is in its own thread
> *Deadlock 1*
> Connection A is using database
> Connection B is waiting on Connection A
> Connection C is waiting on Connection B
> Connection A is has finished
> Connection B is waiting on Connection A
> Connection C is waiting on Connection B
> *Deadlock 2*
> Connection A is using database
> Connection B is waiting on Connection A
> Connection C is waiting on Connection A
> Connection A is has finished
> Connection B is waiting on Connection A
> Connection C is waiting on Connection A
> For some reason sometimes the notify callback does not get issued and end
> up with 2 threads waiting for the callback back to be issued.
> Connection B is a writer thread the others only read.
> Any ideas?
> Owen
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