we are currently facing problem with Access violation exception caused by
function sqlite3_open_v2 trying to load extensions from unloaded DLLs.

How it happens:
- There are 2 (or more) plugin DLLs in main application which are linked to
- These plugins can be loaded and uloaded by user.
- Main application itself does not use SQLite, so each plugin using SQLite
must be linked to it.
- When any plugin is loaded, it registers its entry point using interface
- So when 2 (or more) plugins are loaded, each registers its entry point(s)
to the same SQLite module instance.
- When one of these plugins is going to be unloaded by user, it can not use
  because that would uninstall also all entry points of another plugins.
  So it happens, that SQlite holds entry point(s) to DLL which is unloaded.
- Now, if user executes any command from remaining DLL, it invokes
  SQLite invokes all registered entry points including those pointing to
released memory,
  so system raises Access Viloation exception.

Possible solution of this issue would be a way to 'uninstall' entry point.
something like:
int sqlite3_remove_auto_extension(void (*xEntryPoint)(void));

Also it would be fine to be able to load static extensions to separate
something like:
int sqlite3_load_static_extension(sqlite3 *db, void (*xEntryPoint)(void));

If you would need any additional information about issue,
please contact me at: paulo...@gisoft.cz

Additional info:
SQLite Version:, Source ID: 2012-10-04 19:37:12

Perhaps irrelevant in this case:
OS: Windows Vista
Main Application: Bentley MicroStation V8i
Plugins: MDL (MicroStation Development Library)

Dusan Paulovic
sqlite-users mailing list

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