> It is perfectly allowed to open multiple cursors against a single connection. 
>  You can only execute one
> statement per cursor at a time, but you can have multiple cursors running 
> from the same connection:
> cr1 = cn.cursor()
> cr2 = cn.cursor()
> cr1.execute('select ...')
> while True:
>         row = cr1.fetchone()
>         if not row:
>                 break
>         ...
>         cr2.execute('INSERT ...')
> for example.  If you are inserting into one of the tables used in the outer 
> select, simply make sure that
> select has an order by with a + in front of one of the column names to avoid 
> side effects (ie, changes
> made to the database by the insert are visible to all statements/cursors on 
> that connection even before
> those changes are committed).

I read this can be a problem, but I ran several tests validating results and it 
worked perfectly.

Thank you very much for the confirmation.
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