On 29 July 2013 12:57, Navaneeth.K.N <navaneet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to optimize the SQL calls that my application makes. I
> have a scenario where words are inserted into a table. Now each word
> will have a column called "confidence". There is a unique primary key
> on "word".
> When inserting a word, first I check if the words exists by performing
> a "select" query. If it exists, I fire an update query to increment
> the confidence for that word.  If word is not available, I fire an
> insert query to insert the word.
> In both the cases, I can't skip doing two queries. One for checking
> existence and second for updating or creating. I am wondering is there
> an easy way to solve this by just doing one query? I have tried
> "insert or replace", but I can't use that as it changes the rowid's.
> Any help would be great!

Something like:

SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table words( id text unique, confidence integer default 0 );
sqlite> create trigger words_before_insert before insert on words
   ...>     begin update words set confidence=confidence+1 where id=new.id;
   ...> end;
sqlite> select * from words;
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'fred' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'bill' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'joe' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'fred' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'joe' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'fred' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'fred' );
sqlite> insert or ignore into words( id ) values( 'fred' );
sqlite> select * from words;

> --
> Thanks
> Navaneeth

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