after sqlite3_reset () all bound parameters keep their values they are not unbound or nullified by default so for that purpose you would have to call sqlite3_call_bindings ()

see link

this is not necessary if you want to keep all bound values except of those you reset with new values.

On 02.08.2013 06:22, wrote:
Hi all - I've got sqlite embedded in an iOS app.  I have a database with 1
table, and am creating a prepared select statement with a where clause on 1
field.  In my loop, my order of operations is: sqlite3_bind_text,
sqlite3_step, sqlite3_reset.

One the first iteration of the loop, sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_ROW and
all the correct values.  On the second and every subsequent iteration,
sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_DONE.  Why is this?  I thought I could call
sqlite3_reset then rebind a variable and called step again. All the
documentation points to this being correct.  Am I missing something?


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