Hi List,

The behaviour of Sqlite of w.r.t. name resolving in "group by" caluses seems to 
have changed in the latest version.
This might lead to errors in previously working SQL code, or worse, undetected 
changes in behaviour.


create table test(name);
select min(name)         from test group by lower(name); -- OK 
select min(name) as name from test group by lower(name); -- Error: misuse of 
aggregate: min()    in version 3.7.17, OK in 3.7.15

In version version 3.7.15 the last query executed without problems, in 3.7.17 
it reports an error (3.7.16 not tested).
In the last query Sqlite 3.7.15 used "test.name" for "name" in the group by 
clause, Sqlite 3.7.15 seems to refer to the result column named "name".

This difference in name resolution is also illustrated by the following example:

.null <null>
create table test(name);
insert into test values (NULL);
insert into test values ('abc');

select count(),
       NULLIF(name,'abc') AS name
from test
group by lower(name);

In version 5.7.15 the output is:
(i.e. "group by" made 2 groups)

In version 5.7.17 the output is:
(i.e. "group by" made 1 group)

I couldn't find a specifcation of which name should be used in the group by 
I think it does not make sense to use the result column alias in the "group by" 
clause since it is the result of a calculation based on a grouping, but then 
again also used to produce the groups. Hence using the name of the result row 
alias looks like a circular definition.

My question is whether the change is a bug or an intended change?

From the release history's text it looks like it could have been introduced by 
the changes in Ticket 2500cdb9be05

Rob Golsteijn

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