On 8/22/2013 6:59 PM, Roman Fleysher wrote:
First, I do not expect any changes to SQLite to be made as a result of this 

You might not, but Simon seems to:

"It's too late to contrafit this into SQLite3, but I'm wondering whether SQLite4 might have the collation operator rethought along these lines."

You are right, the discussion is largely philosophical. (I do not imply "philosophical" 
means "impractical", which are sometimes equated.) But the questions you ask are also 
philosophical: for is there something that can be done in C++ that can not be done in Fortran or 

There are lots of things that can be done much more quickly, conveniently and reliably in C++ than in Fortran or Assembler. The cost-benefit analysis has been performed, and the market has spoken.

But let's even set the costs aside: what are the benefits? In what way is your proposed approach an improvement over the status quo? Sorry for being dense here, but I honestly do not understand what advantages you believe you are gaining. Could you explain it to me like I'm five?

These are the questions, as I understand, Simon is asking. Can collate rule be 
expressed in such a way that it is clear it modifies the operation not the 

This question would perhaps be interesting to explore if there were widespread confusion on this topic. But I'm not aware of any evidence that such confusion exists. I have followed this group for years (and so did Simon): in my experience, the issue simply fails to arise in practice. Or indeed in theory: I don't recall any prior discussion of this topic, ever.

Because COLLATE should be a modifier to comparisons, then COLLATE should be a 
modifier to index. We agree here, I think. I do not know if it is possible to 
build two indices on the same column using two different collate rules.

Yes it is possible. You can specify a COLLATE clause on a column in CREATE INDEX statement. If you don't, then the collation assigned to that column in CREATE TABLE, if any, is used. If neither place specifies a collation, the default is BINARY.

Assuming comparison should specify collate rule (implicitly or explicitly 
without which comparison is impossible)...

That's precisely where the disagreement lies. Should comparison derive its collation implicitly from its operands? I say yes, and that's exactly the mechanism currently in place. Simon seems to say no, and wants to introduce a different mechanism. What's your position?

Once again, a concrete example:

create table t(x text collate nocase);
insert into t values ('A');
select count(*) from t where x = 'a';

In your opinion, what result should this select statement produce? 1, as it does now? 0, as Simon's approach seems to imply? Something else?

Thus the collation should not be picked up from the column, it must be picked 
up from the comparison.

Once again, see the example above. Are you willing to argue that 0 is the correct result there? That would seem to be the logical conclusion of your statement.

It is possible to adopt column's collate rule, if it is unique, to be used by 
default if no rule is explicitly specified, as you would like to see.

So, should the collation be picked up from the column, or should it not be? You are making two contradictory statements right next to each other. I'm confused.

It is then clear that this adaptation is a shortcut which should raise FAIL 
when columns with different collations are compared without explicit rule.

Yes, I've already conceded that the case where operands have conflicting collations could be treated as an error. But that doesn't requite new syntax or new machinery, just a minor tweak to existing rules. It doesn't need to raise FAIL at query execution time - all the information is available at prepare, it could be treated as a syntax error.
Igor Tandetnik

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