I'm a SQL novice, and occasional sqlite user. I'm trying to do a simple
database update from a bash script. It seems to me that I should be able to
do something like this from the command line:

cat file.xml|sqlite3 database.db 'update table1 set column3=? where
column1="some name";'

That's it, I'm trying to update column 3 on a particular record with a
string that is already stored on a file. I'm not concern about performance,
the update would happen rarely. But the data in the file could potentially
have quotes or other special chars. And I would rather do it from bash, if
at all possible, although it seems to me that I could modify the command
line tool to allow me to do that (I'm a C/C++ programmer)
I'm sure there is a easy solution, I just can't find it.
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