On 28 Aug 2013, at 1:25pm, to...@acm.org wrote:

> Then, doing
> .sep ,
> .import data tab
> gives error(s).

Can't reproduce your fault though I'm on a different version and platform.  
Please make sure you are using those specific quote characters and not 
directional quotes, and such things.  You might want to use hexdump to dump 
your file and make sure it doesn't have control characters in it.

> Another less important issue, I think it should put NULLs instead of blanks 
> for blank columns.

It would be correct to insert NULLs for this line

> "1833",,"49.3275923134",,"118.3483703666",,,

But this line explicitly states that there are zero-length strings:

> "1833","","49.3275923134","","118.3483703666","","",""

And the example I gave for NULLs arguably does not conform to CSV format.  
Handling it properly might do no harm, though.

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