On 30 Aug 2013, at 9:32pm, uncle.f <uncl...@sboxx.org> wrote:

> I thought of several options:
> 1) VACUUM before creating indices, then create indices, then move database
> off to storage
> 2) Create indices, then VACUUM, then move off to storage
> 3) Create indices, move to storage, VACUUM when already on storage (using
> SQLite process running locally on storage device)
> ... or any other sequence of those 3 steps (vacuum, indexing, moving to
> storage)

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation of your procedure which saves 
lots of questions.

> Another question would be, do I even need to VACUUM considering the way my
> database is being produced?

Great question.  If all you are doing is writing (never any UPDATE or DELETE 
FROM or DROP) then VACUUM won't save any space in your database file.  It would 
defragment your database and might thereby increase speed a little, but this is 
mostly for old-fashioned systems that get most of their speed from 'read-ahead 
buffering'.  I would not expect much of a time saving (less than 1%) from any 
modern setup (test it !).  If it's difficult, annoying or time-consuming to do 
the VACUUM I wouldn't bother.

If you do decide to VACUUM then of your three options listed above I would do 
(2).  Theoretically the indices would benefit from being vacuumed, and 
theoretically moving the VACUUMed file to the new storage medium should ensure 
it's defragmented.

> I would appreciate a reply from somebody  who is aware of SQLite internals
> rather than an "educated guess" :-)

Then you asked in the wrong place.  You take what you can get by posting here.  
The idea is that if someone posts a wrong answer it'll be seen and corrected by 
another reader.  It's open source information.

If you want only replies from experts I assume you'll be happy to pay Hwaci's 
consultancy fee.

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