
I have trouble building the sqlite for i686 architecture. One of the percentile tests (percentile-2.1.50) fails, because it expects result of exactly 2749999.5 and got 2749999.50004681, which is very near, but not exact.

I've built previous versions without problem, so I guess something has changed - either the implementation or the test.

I'm currently trying to package the SQLite for Fedora and the only way I was able to find to build it successfully is to drop that test from the test suite. However, this really does not seem as long-term solution.

Can anyone give me a hint what I should do with it?

Thanks in advance,

[1] http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/getfile?taskID=5899018&name=build.log - log for the failed build
Jan Stanek - Red Hat INTERN Developer Engineer - Databases Team
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