On 9/13/2013 12:03 PM, dochsm wrote:
Please can somebody help me with this query.

I have a table called Grades containing
ClassID (text),
StudentID (text),
ReportNumber (integer),
Points (Integer)

ClassID, StudentID and ReportNumber can be used as a compound key to
reference a particular Points value.

I am trying to write a query, grouped by ClassID, to return the percentage
of students in each class whose points for ReportNumber = 6  is more than
the points for ReportNumber = 5 (for the same classID).

select ClassID, count(*) NumOfStudents, sum(Improv > 0) NumOfImproved
from (
select ClassID, sum(case ReportNumber when 5 then -Points when 6 then Points else 0 end) Improv
  from Grades
  group by ClassID, StudentID
group by ClassID;

Calculating the percentage is left as an exercise for the reader.
Igor Tandetnik

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