On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:19:57 +0200
Paolo Bolzoni <paolo.bolzoni.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > We have an app that uses SQLite, running in 4 servers, with 0mq (nanomsg 
> > soon) to get locking exclusive on writes on all databases and pass data 
> > sending raw sql inserts, updates and deletes. We don't have lot of nor big 
> > writes, never use triggers that modify data or calculate secundary data nor 
> > call now() on sql. We have not tried to run it on more servers or with 
> > bigger write load.
> Sorry for the out topic, but why you want to leave 0mq? We always
> found it great...

Principal differences that convinced us to change:

0mq is LGPL C++, nanomsg MIT/X11 C.
0mq is huge, nanomsg is light.

not everything is good, 0mq is mature while nanomsg is under active development 
and is incomplete but with time...

Martin Sústrik was 0mq architect/project developer/man behind the throne, and 
now is nanomsg architect/project developer/man behind the throne. 

http://zeromq.org/            0mq
http://nanomsg.org/           nanomsg
http://250bpm.com/            Martin Sústrik Home Page

---   ---
Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es>
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