
I started writing this message and then read
http://www.sqlite.org/lang_transaction.html, and I think I've gotten my
answer, but I will ask the question to be absolutely certain, particularly
when using SQLite with PHP (using PDO).

Probably based on flawed understanding of how SQLite worked, I've spent
(wasted, I see now) my time to create a library for working with my DBs
with an intention to minimize the time a script has an open connection to a
DB file. And I've tried to make sure that I close connections as soon as
possible. The document linked to above says that having a connection or
executing a regular BEGIN statement doesn't create a lock. So, if my new
understanding is correct, I should only be concerned with shortening
execution of code within transaction blocks and not at all with how long a
connection is held by a script. Is this correct?

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