Hi all,

I would like to gain more knowledge on the performance measurments and (more specifically) their possible implications and maybe some Database theory to boot.

The figures of interest are the statement quantitative values which return simple counters such as Table scans, Virtual Machine operations, Sort operations and assist Indices.
For reference, these figures are extractable through the c interface:

  sqlite3_stmt_status(sqlite3_stmt*, int op,int resetFlg);

which can be called with these flags to read the values mentioned above:

#define SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT              2
#define SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP           4

Firstly - Reading these values give different (sometimes widely different) results for the same query being run successively. I am imagining some clever caching being the cause of that, but do not wish to make erroneous assumptions - if someone could kindly weigh in on this.

Secondly, A query that seemingly requires no sorting sometimes give quite a large figure for the Sort-Ops, what is it about this that I am not understanding?

Also - Any ideas on how the Query optimiser decides to add autoindexes to assist in a query, and did this change with the advent of the NGQP?

Lastly - I would appreciate it very much if someone can speak a bit about the theoretical implications of these values. For instance what high table scans vs. low VM steps might mean, or the opposite... if any of it can be used to gauge a good query, or at least to flag a possibly bad query or one that could benefit from better indexing.

I know this question is one of those that requires some knowledge and will probably take more than a few seconds to answer and maybe not so interesting to most users, so apologies for that, but I find it fascinating and it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you kindly

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