On 1 Nov 2013, at 2:15am, Igor Korot <ikoro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When the record is inserted with the field1 as NULL, I want to have
> the field1 to have value max( field1 ) + 1.
> When the record inserted have some value in field1, i.e. field1 == 5,
> I want all records that have field1 > 5 to have field1 to be
> incremented. So if new record have field1 as 5, so the old record with
> field1 == 5 will have field1 = 6, field1 will become 7 and so forth.

You are trying to fake an explicit order for your rows by doing some very 
complicated things when you insert a new row.  This is not a plausible way to 
handle a database and consequently it's very difficult in SQL.  It can also 
require lots of processing and disk activity: what happens when you insert a 
new row with field1 = 1 in a table which has 10000 entries ?

Pretend triggers didn't exist and try to figure out how you would usefully have 
SQL order your rows for you.  Go back to first principles: what are you really 
trying to do ?

If you're just allowing your users to rearrange roworder, use REAL values 
instead of INTEGERs for the roworder field, and when you insert a new row 
between two existing ones, just give it a roworder of the mean of the two rows 
surrounding it.

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