On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:04:31 +0200, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

>Oops, misprint...
>name won't be null of course, the parameter needs to be null, kindly replace 
>the queries offered like this:
>  delete from emp where ( key = ?1 )  AND  (( ?2 IS NULL )  OR  ( name = ?2 ));
>or in the second form:
>  delete from emp where ( key = ?1 )  AND  (( ?2 = '' )  OR  ( name = ?2 ));
>I think this is closer to the intended - thanks,

Uhm, I think you mean:

delete from emp 
where ( key = ?1 ) AND (( name IS NULL ) OR ( name = ?2 ));

delete from emp 
where ( key = ?1 ) AND (( name = '' ) OR ( name = ?2 ));

To cover both NULL and empty:

delete from emp 
where key = ?1 AND (name IS NULL OR name = '' OR name = ?2);

>On 2013/11/18 12:56, RSmith wrote:
>> I might be missing something extraordinarily obvious... but I cannot 
>> understand the use case for this logic you have.
>> My first response was to just use "delete from emp where key=123" and be 
>> done with it, who cares what the name is, right?
>> But then it dawned on me that you may for some reason have that key NOT as a 
>> unique key, which means you can have many keys that 
>> are 123 in which case delete where key = 123 will remove all of them, but 
>> adding a name as an optional second parameter/check now 
>> makes sense.
>> Some old-school boolean logic to the rescue then:
>> If this last case is true:
>>  delete from emp where (key = '123') AND ((name IS NULL) OR (name = 'abc'));
>> will simply delete all keys with 123 values, but only if the name is either 
>> not specified, or the name is both specified and 
>> specific.
>> Be careful that you might not be binding null values, but maybe empty 
>> strings in stead of values, so another solution might be:
>>  delete from emp where (key = '123') AND ((name = '') OR (name = 'abc'));
>> You get the idea.
>> Cheers,
>> Ryan
>> On 2013/11/18 09:45, d b wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    I am trying to make single query instead of below two queries. Can
>>> somebody help?
>>>   1. delete from emp where key = '123';
>>>   2. delete from emp where key = '123' and name = 'abc';
>>> if Key available, execute 1st query. if key and name available, execute 2nd
>>> query.
>>>   Is it possible to write in single query?
>>> Regards,
>>> va
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