I have made a few experimental observations and I would appreciate your 


_open() does indeed actually open the main database file. It is left open all 
the way until _close(), when it is actually closed. Correct?

I ask because someone mentioned before that _open() doesn't really open the 
file - that it only prepares the file for opening at a later time when open is 
actually needed.


If my SQL statements do nothing but read from the database (no writes), I can 
rename/move the main database file any time I wish after _open() without any 
problems whatsoever. Correct?


If my SQL statements write to the database and I rename/move the main database 
file just after _open(), the next call to _step() gives me the error 

This happens NOT because the main database file has been renamed/moved. Correct?

Rather, this happens because the old path has been saved by SQLite for use by 
the -journal files. The error happens because SQLite cannot match the -journal 
file name and the main database file name (which has now changed). But here I'm 
just guessing. Is this correct? If not, then why exactly does the error occur?  
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