Hi All,


Thank you all about the help on adding tables.


Adding the tables between  transactions did help a lot. Speed is now ok.



I received a suggestion that in my case is quite valid:


My tables have all the same number of columns ( 1 column only.. of BLOBs.)
and Simon Slavin suggested I could use only one big table where I add an
extra column to identify the table name.


This seems quite a nice approach, because it does seems to be more memory
efficient in terms of disk usage.


However my question is the following:


Let's assume that TABLE now designates my real tables that can be either
SQLITE tables or sub groups of records inside one big real SQLite table


I have to load to memory and save to DB groups of these TABLE at the same
time ( by saving I refer to update or save the blobs inside each table ).


What if  faster? 


Accessing a table in SQLite and updating deleting or adding new records 




Querying the records of one table in such a way that the select records have
a field = Table Name..and then adding and updating these records.


( by updating I mean using the direct functions for incremental BLOB access



Thank you All



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