Thanks Igor and Simon for your inputs. I was under the impression that VACUUM 
would also help performance since it does defragmentation.

On Tuesday, 10 December 2013 3:02 PM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

On 10 Dec 2013, at 8:04pm, veeresh kumar <> wrote:

> -If we put inside a transaction, definitely we would get a SQLITE_BUSY 
> error.Any way to avoid this error? 

It is normal for SQL engines to prevent VACUUM inside a transaction, and to 
lock the database from other threads/processes/users while it operates.  For 
instance, Postgres will issue a consistent error message if you don't close 
your transaction before you do a VACUUM.  Since it is not a 'real' SQL command 
(in that it operates on file structure, not tables, rows or columns) it 
shouldn't be a part of a transaction.

Don't forget what VACUUM does: it doesn't operated just on data in the 
database, it reorganises the entire database file, and can move every thing 
into a different place and delete entire pages.  It can even change _rowid_s. 
no way it can operate while allowing other SQL commands to work, so it may as 
well issue an explicit lock.

> The database size that we use in the application can grow upto 50 GB.

A 50GB database in SQLite is no problem, and no reason to run VACUUM.  The time 
to run VACUUM is when

(a) space is at a premium, or you need to take copies and
(b) VACUUM will save significant space

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