If this is on Windows, the UAC might virtualize your file to a different folder so that Adobe Air actually sees a different file. Try to not store DB files inside \program-files\ or other system-folders.

The actual file might be typically somewhere inside:

(App-name might be "Adobe" or "Air" or some such)


On 2014/01/02 23:29, Digradi Socobaris wrote:
My app Adobe Air try to save some data in a sqlite 3 database, but the app
when insert a data, it does without problem, but i cant see the data when
browse by the lita or sqlite browser. It look like empty table.

select * from table  <- adobe air return ok
insert into table (values...) <- adobe air return ok, but table stil empty !

Despite table empty, the adobe air work how the data was inserted indeed,
but the table stil empty when you browse with sqlite browser.

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