On 19 Jan 2014, at 7:32pm, Luuk <luu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is acceptable—and normal—for standard output and standard error to be 
> directed to the same destination, such as the text terminal. Messages appear 
> in the same order as the program writes them, unless buffering is involved. 
> (For example, a common situation is when the standard error stream is 
> unbuffered but the standard output stream is line-buffered; in this case, 
> text written to standard error later may appear on the terminal earlier, if 
> the standard output stream's buffer is not yet full.)
> source:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_streams#Standard_error_.28stderr.29

Buffering matters only if an app is going to use stderr as a warning stream 
instead of its original purpose of "I'm about to crash and here's why.".

When stderr was thought up, a program wrote some text to it just before it 
quit.  The question of buffering wasn't important because any buffer would be 
flushed an instant later when the program that wrote it quit.  So it didn't 
matter whether stderr was buffered or not.

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