hi again,

With the version sqlite-amalgamation-201401242258   of this night.

 I found my error so timings are :

timing with medium sudoku example  :
2 nested with = 3.06 sec (3.32 sec previous beta of 21rst) 8% faster
1 nested with = 1.7 sec   (1.7 sec previous beta of 21rst) 0%
3 nested with = 2.65 sec (2.5 previous beta of 21rst) 5% faster
(1 nested with which could be 3 nested with) = 1.05 sec (1.09 sec
previous beta of 21rst) 3% faster

remark1 :
On my non-cte workload, it 24th  version seems quicker by  3% faster than 21rst)

==> It's curious, were there speed improvement commits since beta 2 ?

remark 2:
I'm using Keith buildMSVC.cmd file to compile (that I'm using without
knowing what it does exactly)

I have one more compile error than with 21th version.
"c1 : fatal error C1083: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier source : 'CSVImport.c' "

==> Maybe it's normal.

*** full compile report ***
CompileOptions=/nologo /O2 /GLFAy /fp:precise
Creating library file: SQLite3.dll
   Création de la bibliothèque SQLite3.lib et de l'objet SQLite3.exp
Génération de code en cours
Fin de la génération du code
Creating executable;   CSVImport.exe
c1 : fatal error C1083: Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier source : 'CSVImport.c' :
No such file or directory
Creating executable:   SQLite3d.exe
Génération de code en cours
Fin de la génération du code
Creating executable:   SQLite3s.exe
shell3x.c(146240) : warning C4005: 'ArraySize' : redéfinition de macro
        shell3x.c(8545) : voir la définition précédente de 'ArraySize'
Génération de code en cours
Fin de la génération du code
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