On 3 Mar 2014, at 3:41am, romtek <rom...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, Simon. Interestingly, for this server, disk operations aren't
> particularly fast. One SQLite write op takes about 4 times longer than on a
> HostGator server.

That supports the idea that storage is simulated (or 'virtualised') to a high 

> I wonder if what I/you described also means that this file system isn't
> likely to support file locks needed for SQLite to control access to the DB
> file to prevent data corruption.

I think that's likely.  Virtualisation is a pig for ACID: it introduces yet 
another gap between processing and physical changes in your storage which will 
be read after restart.

For those playing along at home, doing transactions properly depends on 
synchronisation.  Something that comes up here repeatedly is that synchronising 
takes a long time, and since people buy kit that quotes faster figures things 
at all levels lie about doing synchronisation.  This leads to articles like the 


"Certain OS/Hardware configurations still fake fsync delivering great 
performance at the cost of being non ACID"

Here's a SQLite engineer writing about the same thing: section 3.1 of


Your disk hardware, its firmware driver, the OS's storage driver, the OS's file 
system and the OS file API all get a chance to pretend they're doing 'sync()' 
but actually just return 'done it'.  And if even one of them lies, 
synchronisation appears to happen instantly and your software runs faster.  A 
virtualising system is another chance to do processing faster by lying about 
synchronisation.  And unless something crashes or you have a power failure 
nobody will ever find out.

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