On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Creating extensions in SQLite is not difficult nor hard. You can define yours 
> with this line:

It's no hard, no, if you're already a C developer. But it's hardly
convenient when you need something quickly.

Between creating a new C file, coding it, compiling it, packaging it
as a DLL/SO, .load it, test it, repeat on errors/crashes, and using
straight sqlite3 CLI with a downloaded scripty_module extension and
using direct trial-and-error at a REPL using already known "scripty"
language, that's night and day IMHO. Plus the scripty solution will
typically be cross-platform, easily packaged in a .sql one can .read
(which also does the necessary .load, acting as scripted function
"libraries"), as long as the generic scrypty_module is available for
that platform. Going down the C route just easiest a viable option to
many, and even for those who can do it in C, the scripty route is more
productive to prototype, since immediate and interactive at the SQLite
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