On 09 Mar 2014 at 22:17, Igor Tandetnik <i...@tandetnik.org> wrote: 

> On 3/9/2014 6:05 PM, Tim Streater wrote:
>> I have a table with one column containing file paths, such as /path/to/file
>> and /path/to/my/otherfile. Now I want to change all entries where the path
>> starts as /path/to/ to /path/from/. Getting a candidate list is easy, and I
>> can then make the changes in PHP and rewrite the rows, but I wondered if
>> there was a clever way to do it all in SQLite in, essentially, one statement.
>> A quick look persuades me there are not enough functions built into SQLite
>> for that, but confirmation would be handy.
> update mytable set path='/path/from/' || substr(path,
> length('/path/to/') + 1)
> where substr(path, 1, length('/path/to/')) = '/path/to/';

Dammit, I looked up and down for 'strlen' and passed over 'length'! I had been 
thinking about:

  update mytable set path='/path/from/' || substr(path, length('/path/to/') + 1)
  where path like '/path/to/%';

that way I anchor to the start of the path.

Cheers  --  Tim
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