2014-03-14 0:30 GMT+01:00 Alex Loukissas <alex at maginatics.com>:
> I have verified that adding the said include fixes the issue (1-line
> diff --git sqlite3.c sqlite3.c
> index 7c6d3e2..a9399e4 100644
> --- sqlite3.c
> +++ sqlite3.c
> @@ -145656,6 +145656,7 @@ SQLITE_API int sqlite3_rtree_init(
>  #include <unicode/uregex.h>
>  #include <unicode/ustring.h>
>  #include <unicode/ucol.h>
> +#include <unicode/utf8.h>
>  /* #include <assert.h> */
> Hope this helps others that run into this issue.

> This sounds strange to me (I compiled the SQLite ICU extension
> for Cygwin, and didn't run into this issue).

> According to the ICU documentation, <unicode/utypes.h> (which is
> just above the <unicode/uregex.h>) includes <unicode/utf.h>, which
> in turn includes <unicode/utf8.h>:
 >    <http://icu.sourcearchive.com/documentation/4.2/utypes_8h.html>
> So, the current order of includes should just work fine.
> What ICU version are you using? I used ICU 4.8 and 5.1, neither
> of them have the problem you describe. Sorry.....
> Regards,
>          Jan Nijtmans


I've been using icu4c, ver 52.1 (most current), which I build from source
into a static library, using the following options (copying from my bash
build script):

    CONFIG_OPTS="--enable-static --disable-shared --disable-strict \
        --disable-extras --disable-samples --disable-tests"
        -DU_CHARSET_IS_UTF8=1 \
        -D__STDC_INT64__ \
    GCC_FLAGS="-fno-short-wchar -fno-short-enums"

I'll try to see whether the pointer you gave is still valid in 52.1 and
perhaps one of my macros is blocking an include with an ifdef.


Alex Loukissas

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