sqlite3_bind_text() returned 21 error. It is throwing for all insertions
once error introduced.

For ex: Here, Inserted first 10 records successfully. then it was started
throwing error 21 for 11th record on-wards till last record(10,000 record).
I was able to insert the records successfully after restart the application

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:23 PM, d b <va230...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>   I am getting sqlite error 21.
>   There is only one sqlite prepared statement for insertion. It's not
> multi threaded app. The below function repeatedly calling for every  record
> insertion. This app was running from last 4 days. On third, it was started
> throwing error 21. What could be the reason?
>   steps from application:
>   bool stmt::execute(const char* const insertquery, listofinputparams)
>   {
>        insertquery is insert or replace into mystuff(id, name, value)
> values(?,?,?);
>        bool r = false;
>       sqlite3_stmt s = find(insertquery);
>        while(enumerate listofinputparams)
>        {
>            bind each argument for insert statement s
>        }
>        sqlite3_step(s);
>        sqlite3_reset(s);
>        return r;
>   }
> Thanks,
> a v
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