On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Christian Smith <
csm...@thewrongchristian.org.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 01:08:59PM +0000, Harmen de Jong - CoachR Group
> B.V. wrote:
> > We have built our own SQLite database server application and are
> considering making this open source. Since there will be some time involved
> into making it an open source project and maintaining it, we would first
> like to make an inventory to find out if there is any interest in this
> server application.
> >
> > ==> How it works:
> >
> > Clients can communicate with this server over TCP/IP sockets. Queries
> are submitted and returned in XML format (BLOB results are returned in
> binary format to prevent CPU intensive encoding and decoding). The server
> application is written in native Visual C++ (without using MFC). If we
> would make this project open source we would also include a client example.
> I dare say that parsing and encoding XML would be more processor intensive
> that BLOB encoding.
> IMO, you'd also increase your potential target audience if you could also
> provide reasonably functional JDBC, ADO.NET, PHP and/or Python database
> drivers. Providing any of these would allow existing users to plug your new
> database into existing applications with the minimal of fuss. Personally, I
> don't like the idea of XML as the protocol, largely because of the parsing
> overhead, and have been looking at a similar server based on RPC, but for
> debugging purposes it would be great.
> Regards,
> Christian
> _______________________________________________

Not all XML libraries are inefficient.  TinyXml2 would probably work great
for this use-case.  (disclaimer: I use TinyXml2 in an unrelated project,
but I am not the author).
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