On 22 Apr 2014, at 21:58, Roger Binns <rog...@rogerbinns.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 22/04/14 05:24, Neville Dastur wrote:
>> I am looking for some advice on storing and searching data that comes
>> from an external JSON source and needs to be stored on device in a
>> Sqlite3 database.
> Your data is from MongoDB :)  Note they do have an extended JSON to deal
> with types like ObjectId, binary and dates:
Yes, it is. But I control the document structure and it does not have any types 
that can’t be converted easily after a pull over the net.

> http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#bson-data-types-and-associated-representations
>> On device I need to be able to retrieve the entire “document” and
>> display all the array values,
> How much data will there be overall and how performant does all this have
> to be?
10,000s or records

>> The options i see are to store the array fields as pipe separated
>> values and then use LIKE “|<search_term>%|” to search items.
> That still requires scanning every record as you aren't doing a match from
> the start of the value.
By this, you mean searching like this is “expensive”

> If you need performance then you need to normalize the data, or use a
> database that supports lists like postgres.
Not an option as the sqlite bit is on smartphones.

> If you need something for not too much data then just be simple - have a
> single column which is the JSON text of the whole document.  You can still
> use LIKE to find records of interest, deserialise back to JSON and do the
> final filtering/querying/sorting there.
Not sure how this helps find say 4444 in array2 alone. Note I have changed 
example so that there is a field value that is the same in array1 and 2
   "_id" : ObjectId(“xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
   "name" : “Description”,
   “array1" : [ “1111”,”4444” ],
   “array2" : [ “4444”,”5555”,”6666” ],
   "tags" : [“searchword1”,”searchword2”,”searchword3"]

> If you need a "proper" and convenient solution with SQLite then user
> defined functions and virtual tables are a great way of hiding what you do
> under the hood wrt to how the data is actually stored.  You'll have to
> write them to understand your data shape and queries.
Not really an option as I don’t have that control over the sqlite lib compiled 
into the mobile app.

> There was a now defunct project UnQL that was mixing together JSON like
> data, SQL like queries and bit of SQLite.
I am aware. And I recall Richard being involved with this.

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