First, I am a long time SQLite user, (first time on .Net).

I installed the NuGet packages (the one with all 3 modules) into my C# project.

I want to import an existing SQLite DB and create a Entity Data Model from it.  
But, when I try to generate from database, the data source and provider do not 
appear in the list.  

I know this is supported because in some tutorials I have found I see screen 
shots where the SQLite Data source appears.

I am using VS 2013.  Did this break in the current version of VS or SQLite 
NuGet packages,? or is there possibly something I am doing wrong?

I haven’t done anything complex.
1.) Create new C# exe.
2.) NuGet the latest SQLite packages
3.) Restart VS and re-open my project (just in case)
4.) Add New Item: ADO.NET Entity Data Model
5.) Choose “Generate from Database”
6.) Click "New connection”
7.) Look for SQLite in the data source list (it isn’t there.  only SQL Server 
items appear in the list)

Thanks in advance!

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