
I'm using SqLite intensively and it works quite well - great and thank you!

I'm using the newest version 3.8.500. I've set

pragma encoding = "UTF-8";
pragma case_sensitive_like = FALSE;

in order to search case insensitive - and - it works, almost.

When running something like this:
select Name from Targets where Name like '%abc%'; -- simple ASCII chars
it works perfectly.

BUT (and this is annoying all the time again, not only in SqLite)

select Name from Targets where Name like '%üabc%'; -- real UTF-8 chars "ü"
or alternatively
select Name from Targets where Name like '%üabc%'; -- real UTF-8 chars, ASCII 
encoded as "ü"

it does not work - no one of the German ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü, ß work case 
insensitive with the LIKE operator.

Please try to fix that.

Many thanks,
Martin Abel

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