On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Alexander Barrentine <
alexander.barrent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I can’t tell just now if this is the right place to be sending bug reports
> for Lemon. I have identified a failing in the handling of nonassoc
> precedence with the generated grammars.

Thanks.  Fixed here:

> I detailed my findings in this StackOverflow page:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24051458/is-lemon-correctly-handling-nonassoc-precedence/24093576#24093576
> Basically it comes down like this. I took a tiny grammar for example:
> %nonassoc EQ.
> %left PLUS.
> stmt ::= expr.
> expr ::= expr EQ expr.
> expr ::= expr PLUS expr.
> expr ::= IDENTIFIER.
> And this generated a conflict when handling the second EQ in a series (so
> something like x=y=z). The rules for nonassoc state this should be an
> error, but the grammar does not detect it as such. Instead, a shift/reduce
> conflict gets entered into the grammar.
> State 4:
>       expr ::= expr * EQ expr
>   (1) expr ::= expr EQ expr *
>       expr ::= expr * PLUS expr
>                         EQ shift  2
>                         EQ reduce 1   ** Parsing conflict **
>                       PLUS shift  1
>                  {default} reduce 1
> I have locally modified the source the get around the issue, adding a
> branch to the shift/reduce logic like so:
>         if( apx->type==SHIFT && apy->type==REDUCE ){
>                 spx = apx->sp;
>                 spy = apy->x.rp->precsym;
>                 if( spy==0 || spx->prec<0 || spy->prec<0 ){
>                         /* Not enough precedence information. */
>                         apy->type = SRCONFLICT;
>                         errcnt++;
>                 }else if( spx->prec>spy->prec ){    /* higher precedence
> wins */
>                         apy->type = RD_RESOLVED;
>                 }else if( spx->prec<spy->prec ){
>                         apx->type = SH_RESOLVED;
>                 }else if( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==RIGHT ){ /*
> Use operator */
>                         apy->type = RD_RESOLVED;
>   /* associativity */
>                 }else if( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==LEFT ){  /*
> to break tie */
>                         apx->type = SH_RESOLVED;
>                 }else if( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==NONE) {   /*
>                         apx->type = ERROR;
>                 }else{
>                         assert( spx->prec==spy->prec && spx->assoc==NONE );
>                         apy->type = SRCONFLICT;
>                         errcnt++;
>                 }
> I’m hoping this proves useful to you. I am enjoying the tool. It is fast,
> straightforward, and easy to use.
> Thank you,
> Alexander Barrentine
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