Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014 um 10:29 Uhr
Von: RSmith <>
Betreff: Re: [sqlite] BUG with unnecessary brackets in queries with IN ( SELECT 
.. )
>On 2014/06/11 07:48, wrote:
>>>> Simple example :
>>>> Working (correct result)
>>>> select id from tbl where id in (select id from tbl)
>>>> NOT working (incorrect result) :
>>>> select id from tbl where id in ( ( select id from tbl) )
>>> In the first query, SQLite looks for values of "id" that are in the
>>> subquery.
>>> In the second query, the subquery is evaluated as an expression. That
>>> means that only the first row of the result set is used. And the
>>> right-hand side of the IN clause is a list of expressions instead of a
>>> subquery.
>>> So the two queries mean different things.
>>> --
>>> D. Richard Hipp
>> Just a bit surprising to find that postgres delivers the same answer to both 
>> queries, after having seen your presentation on PGCon.
>Postgres is forgiving you for a silly mistake because it has ample code-space 
>for additional features such as protecting users from
>a common mistake. It is not SQL standard behaviour (not that I am a disciple 
>of the standard btw.) but it seems like a sensible
>allowance, and the folks over at postgres are known for sensibility. (Have you 
>tried that in strict mode?) - it is however in no way
>translating into a standard just because they did it - and may I add - 
>although the "role-model" notion was clear, nothing in the
>PGCon keynote indicated that SQLite strives for copying their exact syntax.

I wasn't aware of that behaviour being standard - even though I suspected so 
the way Dr. Hipp answered.

>I could argue that the function UPDATE "myTable" SET IntField++ WHERE 
>AddMarker=1; should in fact increase that field's value by 1
>for each record, because, y'know, it works in C and Java and stuff...

Not quite so. But I'd expect to get the same answer to apparently easy 
questions from different RDBMs (same syntax - same result?).

>If you expect the DB layer to work exactly like postgres, why are you not 
>simply using postgres? It costs the same. :)

Personally I use both and I like them both - but I prefer SQLite for its 
overall 'simplicity'.
But actually I'm not the original author of the mail - just inserted the wrong 
subject (stupid web mailer - stupid me!).
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