On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Eric Rubin-Smith <eas....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Cory Nelson wrote:
> > Expand the prefix into the full feed:beef:0000:etc
> >
> > Insert into a table (start binary(16), mask_length int)
> >
> > select top 1 binary,length from table where start <= @input order by
> > binary desc
> >
> > Check if the row is inside the range returned.  This will take a single
> > index seek.
> Looking at this again, I do not think the solution is correct.  E.g.
> assume you have populated 10m prefixes, one of which is ::/0.  Assume
> the search key is ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff and ::/0
> is the only covering prefix.  Then your scheme will not find ::/0.  And
> simple extensions of your scheme involve searching through the whole set
> to find ::/0.
Correct, this will not work with overlapping blocks.

Cory Nelson
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