On 24 Jun 2014, at 9:47pm, Dave Wellman <dwell...@ward-analytics.com> wrote:

> Included in that page is the following:
> Note that "monotonically increasing" does not imply that the ROWID always
> increases by exactly one. One is the usual increment. However, if an insert
> fails due to (for example) a uniqueness constraint, the ROWID of the failed
> insertion attempt might not be reused on subsequent inserts, resulting in
> gaps in the ROWID sequence. AUTOINCREMENT guarantees that automatically
> chosen ROWIDs will be increasing but not that they will be sequential.
> I need the values to be sequential.

If you are creating a new column then you're not going to hit any of the 
problems with generating sequential numbers.

You do need, for the future, to consider what you would want to happen if you 
deleted a row from that table.  Would you expect the numbers on the other rows 
to remain the same or would you expect rows after the deleted one to move down 
one ?

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