On 6/25/2014 5:19 AM, João Ramos wrote:
And I understand the limitations a shared-cache mode may have, but if this
is to be the case, it should be documented. I can be wrong, but I didn't
find anywhere in the docs where this scenario is presented (or has some
sort of warning).

Well, one can't document every possible scenario, every possible interaction of various features. There's a documentation on shared cache, complete with a nice picture explaining how all connections to the cache share a single connection to the underlying database file:

"Externally, from the point of view of another process or thread, two or more database connections using a shared-cache appear as a single connection. The locking protocol used to arbitrate between multiple shared-caches or regular database users is described elsewhere."

Then there's documentation on WAL mode, explaining how it is possible for a writer to co-exist with readers, via page versioning.


If you use both features, you kind of have to put two and two together to see how they would interact.
Igor Tandetnik

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