
I am trying to build sqlite 3.8.5 for vxWorks 6.9 and I'm after a bit of help.

To be more precise, I'm building an RTP for 64bit NEHALEM on vxWorks 6.9.3

Straight out of the box it won't build, I get the following errors

sqlite3.c:24997: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'sem_t'
sqlite3.c: In function 'fileHasMoved':
sqlite3.c:25237: error: 'struct unixFileId' has no member named 'ino'
sqlite3.c: In function 'semCheckReservedLock':

The first I have fixed by adding a #include <semaphore.h> and the second I've 
fixed by bodging fileHasMoved to always return false.
Is there a compile option I should have used that would have fixed these?

It then builds, but has a few unresolved symbols. These I have fixed by adding 
the compile options


It now runs, but anything that tries to modify a database file generates a Disk 
I/O error.

It lets me create a database and a file gets created on disk. I can do simple 
stuff like

SELECT date('now')

And that returns sensible stuff. So lots of it is working. But as soon as I try 
to create a table I get a disk I/O error. So I can't get much further.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I need to do to make this work.


Andy Ling

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