Sorry, I wasn't clear: I have 64 bit R and Windows, but since there are no
64 bit binaries for SQLite I started with 32 bit SQLite.

So now I'm wondering if I could fix this memory problem by installing the
64-bit version of SQLite.

(I know that this wouldn't fix the problem in postgres, for example,
because they never updated the addressing code when they built a 64bit
version -- a lesson I learned the hard way. )

On Monday, June 30, 2014, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 30 Jun 2014, at 4:58pm, Nick Eubank <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Thanks Cory -- is this fixed in 64 bit versions of SQLite? I know
> postgres
> > never changed memory address variable storage in the 64 bit so the
> problem
> > persists.
> You are misunderstanding the problem.  There is no bug to be fixed.  It is
> in the nature of 32-bit Windows that no process has access to more than
> 4Gig of memory.  In your case, with your version of Windows, it's 2Gig.
>  Only Microsoft can fix this and they did that by releasing a 64-bit
> version of Windows.
> So you need a 64-bit version of R, 64-bit ODBC drivers (which means 64-bit
> version of Office if you have it), and a 64-bit version of Windows.
> > Also: any advice on getting a 64bit installation for someone who doesn't
> > really know how to compile C?
> I don't know much about that, but this page might be relevant:
> <>
> Simon.
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