Dave Wellman wrote:

> Where can I download older versions of sqlite3, specifically v3.8.4.3 (or at
> least v3.8.4.x). I don't need the source code, just the windows binaries.

It looks like we can hack the download URIs to get the version you want.  
Noting from the download page that the windows x86 binary is at


we can try just altering the last few characters of that and get:


which seems to work.

An alternative is to download the source for your version right out of
the version control system.  Here is the version change history page:


You can use the "SQLITE_SOURCE_ID" from that history page and stick it 
into a URL like this:


e.g. in your case 


>From there, you can click the "ZIP Archive" link to get the source code.

> I'll also need the docs. 

The docs don't get versioned like that AFAICT.  There's just one central
set of docs.  If behavior changes from one version to the next, that is
called out with text inside the documentation and in the change logs.
Some of the more major changes have their own special pages in the docs.

Eric A. Rubin-Smith

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