On 15 Jul 2014, at 2:53pm, mm.w <0xcafef...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ok sorry, I did not red all thru, may you simply sha1 local and remote ? if
> != commit again

You won't have anything to commit.  If your application really had crashed it 
wouldn't have any transaction data to commit.  If your application had not 
crashed the transaction would always have worked.

Anything that might sync a file automatically can make a mistake like this:

1) computer A and computer B both have local copies of the database open
2) users of computer A and computer B both make changes to their local copies
3) computer A and computer B both close their local copies

Now the automatic syncing routine kicks in and notices that both copies have 
been modified since the last sync.  Whichever copy it chooses, the changes made 
to the other copy are still going to be lost.

Also, since the sync process doesn't understand that the journal file is 
intimately related to the database file, it can notice one file was updated and 
copy that across to another computer, and leave the other file as it was.  
While SQLite will notice that the two files don't match, and will not corrupt 
its database by trying to update it with the wrong journal, there's no way to 
tell whether you are going to get the data before the last transaction was 
committed or after.

My recommendation to the OP is not to do any programming around this at all, 
since whatever programming you come up with will not be dependable.  The 
routines for checking unexpected journal files in SQLite are very clever.  Just 
leave SQLite to sort out rare crashes by itself, which it does pretty well.

If, on the other hand, crashes aren't rare then I agree with the other poster 
to this thread who said that time is better spent diagnosing the cause of your 

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