Thank you Dan,

 as it is well behind my understanding of Digikam, I've asked one of the
lead developper to have a look upon your answer and its implications.

Best regards,


2014-07-15 22:27 GMT+02:00 Dan Kennedy <>:

> On 07/16/2014 03:22 AM, Dan Kennedy wrote:
>> On 07/15/2014 09:06 PM, Mathieu Clabaut wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>   Digikam bug seems to
>>> be
>>> caused by a sqlite memory leak
>> It looks very much like the program is not calling sqlite3_close().
>> If you have a small program that shows SQLite leaking memory please make
>> it available to us.
>>    and is said to be corrected with slqlite
>>> 3.8.5, but as shown in a
>>> similar problem appear in digikam 4.0.0 with sqlite 3.8.5.
>> I'm not sure what causes the crash in the stack trace in comment 8. I
>> don't think these crashes are related to bug 323888 in any case. It's tough
>> to say what the trace in comment 8 means really, except that the heap is
>> corrupted.
>> The crashes in sqlite3MemCompare() are interesting though. Does the
>> framework ever pass anything other than SQLITE_TRANSIENT or SQLITE_STATIC
>> to sqlite3_bind_text(), bind_result() or similar?
> Actually - it could be that a bad function pointer has been passed to one
> of the sqlite3_create_collation() functions. That would give you very
> similar stack traces anyhow.
> Dan.
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