On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Tony Papadimitriou <to...@acm.org> wrote:

> Unless I'm misusing it, I believe the shell readfile() function reads a
> file as text, not binary.  I haven't checked writefile() for the same
> problem on writing.
> This is how I use it, is this not correct?
> create table t1(a blob);
> insert into  t1 values(readfile('binfile'));
> select * from t1;
> I always see text and I expect to see one of the following cases:
> 1. a hex sequence regardless of file type
> 2. text (if the file was text), or a hex sequence if it was binary.
> Instead, I see text when dealing with text files, and truncated text (up
> to the first zero) when dealing with binary.
> Am I misusing it?

To see hex output, use

    SELECT quote(a) FROM t1;

The shell always prints BLOBs as just the bytes within the blob, not
translated to hex.  It has always done this.  For 14 years.  Example:

    INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES(x'78797a7a79');
    SELECT a FROM t1;

The above prints: xyzzy

D. Richard Hipp
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